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"Rhodomanologia" is a research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2022 to 2024. It is performed in a cooperation between the University of Wuppertal (Patrick Sahle, Stefan Weise) and the University of Osnabrück (Thomas Gärtner).

The project aims at a digital edition of the ancient Greek and Latin poems by the humanist Laurentius Rhodoman (1545-1606). As a pupil of the influential Protestant pedagogue Micheal Neander at Ilfeld Monastery School in the southern part of the Harz region, Rhodoman was one of the most prominent Greek poet-philologists in Germany in the late sixteenth century. Important philological works include his editions of the imperial epic Quintus of Smyrna and the historian Diodorus Siculus.

Rhodoman was headmaster at various Latin schools in Lüneburg (1572-1584), Walkenried (1584-1591) and Stralsund (1598-1601) as well as professor at the universities of Jena (1592-1598) and Wittenberg (1601-1606). The quantity and quality of his Greek poetic output caused his fame as an alter Homerus ("second Homer") or Homerus biblicus ("biblistic Homer") among his contemporaries.

The current project will explore the first half of his poetic oeuvre until 1588.

Last modified: 09.12.2022